Diagnosis Code


Code Information

Diagnosis Code: H00.01

Short Description: Hordeolum externum

Long Description: Hordeolum externum

The code H00.01 is NOT VALID for claim submission

Code Classification:

  • Diseases of the eye and adnexa (H00–H59)
    • Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit (H00-H05)
      • Hordeolum and chalazion (H00)
        • H00.01 Hordeolum externum

Code Version: 2022 ICD-10-CM

References to Index of Diseases and Injuries

The code H00.01 has the following ICD-10-CM references to the Index of Diseases and Injuries
  • Inclusion Terms:
    • Hordeolum NOS
    • Stye

Similar Codes

ICD-10 Code ICD-10 Description
H00 Hordeolum and chalazion
H00.0 Hordeolum (externum) (internum) of eyelid
H00.011 Hordeolum externum right upper eyelid
H00.012 Hordeolum externum right lower eyelid
H00.013 Hordeolum externum right eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.014 Hordeolum externum left upper eyelid
H00.015 Hordeolum externum left lower eyelid
H00.016 Hordeolum externum left eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.019 Hordeolum externum unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.02 Hordeolum internum
H00.021 Hordeolum internum right upper eyelid
H00.022 Hordeolum internum right lower eyelid
H00.023 Hordeolum internum right eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.024 Hordeolum internum left upper eyelid
H00.025 Hordeolum internum left lower eyelid
H00.026 Hordeolum internum left eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.029 Hordeolum internum unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.03 Abscess of eyelid
H00.031 Abscess of right upper eyelid
H00.032 Abscess of right lower eyelid
H00.033 Abscess of eyelid right eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.034 Abscess of left upper eyelid
H00.035 Abscess of left lower eyelid
H00.036 Abscess of eyelid left eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.039 Abscess of eyelid unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.1 Chalazion
H00.11 Chalazion right upper eyelid
H00.12 Chalazion right lower eyelid
H00.13 Chalazion right eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.14 Chalazion left upper eyelid
H00.15 Chalazion left lower eyelid
H00.16 Chalazion left eye, unspecified eyelid
H00.19 Chalazion unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid

This page was last updated on: 10/1/2023