Diagnosis Code


Code Information

Diagnosis Code: F02.B18

Short Description: Dem in other dis classd elswhr, mod, with other beh disturb

Long Description: Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with other behavioral disturbance

The code F02.B18 is VALID for claim submission

Code Classification:

  • Mental and behavioural disorders (F01–F99)
    • Mental disorders due to known physiological conditions (F01-F09)
      • Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere (F02)
        • F02.B18 Dem in other dis classd elswhr, mod, with other beh disturb

This code is valid for manifestation diagnoses

Code Version: 2022 ICD-10-CM

References to Index of Diseases and Injuries

The code F02.B18 has the following ICD-10-CM references to the Index of Diseases and Injuries
  • Inclusion Terms:
    • Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with behavioral disturbances such as sleep disturbance, social disinhibition, or sexual disinhibition
    • Major neurocognitive disorder in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with behavioral disturbance such as sleep disturbance, social disinhibition, or sexual disinhibition

Similar Codes

ICD-10 Code ICD-10 Description
F02 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere
F02.8 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity
F02.80 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F02.81 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with behavioral disturbance
F02.811 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with agitation
F02.818 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with other behavioral disturbance
F02.82 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with psychotic disturbance
F02.83 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with mood disturbance
F02.84 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with anxiety
F02.A Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild
F02.A0 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F02.A1 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with behavioral disturbance
F02.A11 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with agitation
F02.A18 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with other behavioral disturbance
F02.A2 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with psychotic disturbance
F02.A3 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with mood disturbance
F02.A4 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with anxiety
F02.B Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate
F02.B0 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F02.B1 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with behavioral disturbance
F02.B11 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with agitation
F02.B2 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with psychotic disturbance
F02.B3 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with mood disturbance
F02.B4 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with anxiety
F02.C Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe
F02.C0 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F02.C1 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with behavioral disturbance
F02.C11 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with agitation
F02.C18 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with other behavioral disturbance
F02.C2 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with psychotic disturbance
F02.C3 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with mood disturbance
F02.C4 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with anxiety

This page was last updated on: 10/1/2023