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Similar Providers Nearby

NPI Provider Name NPI Type Taxonomy
1821656901 DIVINE WELLNESS INC Organization Clinic/Center (Adult Mental Health)
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1508407560 COVENANT NEPHROLOGY LLC Organization Internal Medicine (Nephrology)
1598224636 GREAT WORKS WELLNESS CENTER Organization Clinic/Center
1730582867 REDICLINIC OF MD, LLC Organization Clinic/Center
1770592719 CIRCLE OF FRIENDS OWINGS MILLS Organization Clinic/Center (Adult Day Care)
1346833381 DARS ADULT DAY CENTER Organization Clinic/Center (Adult Day Care)
1144429713 CENTER FOR SOCIAL CHANGE INC Organization Clinic/Center (Adult Day Care)
1295214393 LEVINDALE HEBREW GERIATRIC CENTER & HOSPITAL INC Organization Clinic/Center (Adult Day Care)
1821662172 DARS ADULT DAY CENTER Organization Clinic/Center (Adult Day Care)
1386837656 SUPERIOR ADULT MEDICAL DAY SERVICES, LLC Organization Clinic/Center (Adult Day Care)
1720122674 ACTIVE DAY MD, INC. Organization Clinic/Center (Adult Day Care)
1467170605 OPTIMUM SURGICAL SERVICES, LLC Organization Clinic/Center (Ambulatory Surgical)
1205897691 REISTERSTOWN AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER Organization Clinic/Center (Ambulatory Surgical)
1124136437 CARROLL FOOTWORKS SURGERY CENTER ,LLC Organization Clinic/Center (Ambulatory Surgical)
1144351966 MARK E SPIER, DPM, PA Organization Clinic/Center (Ambulatory Surgical)
1811386626 MD FAMILY DENTAL CARE, PC Organization Clinic/Center (Dental)
1437388683 PLEET & FREUNDLICH, DDS, PA Organization Clinic/Center (Dental)
1922463488 GLADE DENTAL PRACTICE LLC Organization Clinic/Center (Dental)
1619449048 ALEXSANDR M FISHMAN DDS PA Organization Clinic/Center (Dental)

What is NPI?

NPI stands for National Provider Identifier. The NPI is a 10-digit identification number that is completely unique. The NPI number by itself does not contain any identifiable information such as a provider’s speciality or location. The NPI is assigned to individuals or organizacions for their lifespan and it is independent of key provider information type updates like a change of practices, location or speciality.

This page was last updated on: 5/5/2024

All materials and services on this site are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without warranty of any kind. The NPI record is maintained by the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) and anyone may request this information and other NPPES health care provider data from HHS under The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Title 5 of the United States Code, section 552. To update the NPI records please contact the NPPES.