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NPI Information

NPI: 1396885893
Provider Name: DR. MICHAEL BLOTT, D.C.
Classification: Chiropractor - 111NX0800X
Entity Type: Individual

Specialization: Orthopedic

ZIP 92064
Phone: (858) 487-6940
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DR. Michael Blott, D.C. is an orthopedic chiropractor in Poway, CA. The provider is chiropractic Orthopedics is defined as that branch of chiropractic medicine that includes the continued acquisition of knowledge relative to both normal functions and diseases of the human body as they relate to the bones, joints, capsules, discs, muscles, ligaments, tendons, their complete neurological and vascular components, referred organ systems and contiguous tissues. This also includes the development and perfection of skills relative to health maintenance when such exists and when not, the investigations, historical review, physical detection, correlative diagnosis development and complete management of any disorder within the bounds defined herein. Also necessary is the delivery of the combined knowledge and skill on a primary basis to patients who both need and desire this service to the eventual outcome of remissions, whenever resolution is not readily achievable. In addition the certified chiropractic orthopedist provides consultation services at the request of other qualified doctors seeking assistance in the care of their patients. The chiropractic orthopedist may also engage in the teaching and or research of subjects and materials relevant to pursuing the quest for knowledge in the ever changing field of the orthopedic specialty. DR. Michael Blott, D.C. NPI is 1396885893. The provider is registered as an individual entity type.

The NPPES NPI record indicates the provider is a male.

The provider's business location address is:

ZIP 92064-147
Phone: (858) 487-6940

The enumeration date for this NPI number is 2/7/2007 and was last updated on 7/8/2007.

Taxonomy Codes

The NPI record includes the healthcare provider taxonomy classification, state license number and state of licensure. The following information regarding the scope of practice of this provider is available:

No.Taxonomy CodeTaxonomy ClasificationTaxonomy SpecializationLicense NumberLicense StatePrimary

Other Identifiers

The following information regarding additional identifiers associated to this NPI record includes the other identifier number, identifier type, identifier state and issuer.

No.Other Provider IdentifierOther Provider Identifier TypeOther Provider Identifier StateOther Provider Identifier Issuer

What is NPI?

NPI stands for National Provider Identifier. The NPI is a 10-digit identification number that is completely unique. The NPI number by itself does not contain any identifiable information such as a provider’s speciality or location. The NPI is assigned to individuals or organizacions for their lifespan and it is independent of key provider information type updates like a change of practices, location or speciality.

This page was last updated on: 11/14/2023

All materials and services on this site are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without warranty of any kind. The NPI record is maintained by the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) and anyone may request this information and other NPPES health care provider data from HHS under The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Title 5 of the United States Code, section 552. To update the NPI records please contact the NPPES.